Same Yumminess, New Domain : moves to

2 min readApr 25, 2024


🎉 Drumroll, please! We got some big news for our Foodies🎉

OneRare has been building the World’s First Foodverse since 2021 and we are now ready- It’s time to officially embrace the Foodverse in our name! Starting now, the Domain will change to and we will also update our social channels.

Why this change?

Our Founder, Supreet Raju explains it best,

When we started OneRare in January 2021, it was a small and simple idea of creating One Dish Collectible for every Dish in the World. The Name “OneRare” paired well with the idea of One Rare Pizza and One Rare Taco. But as we kept building, the idea became so much more. We have also spoken about building the world’s first Foodverse since the start. Today, OneRare does not truly encapsulate what we are building for the Food Industry, and since most of our community and Web3 know us as the “people building the Foodverse”, we thought it’s time we embrace our new name fully.

So What Changes? Domain and Social Handles
We now move to our new home, along with our Farm. Market, Kitchen & Games! Our vibrant, gamified ecosystem where food enthusiasts can immerse themselves in a world of delectable experiences, Foodverse is where the magic truly happens.

The ultimate playground for all things food, this is our first step towards aligning perfectly with our grand vision. retains the essence of everything you’ve come to love about OneRare, now amplified and elevated in your favorite playground.

Grab your aprons, sharpen those knives, and get ready to dive headfirst into the tastiest metaverse around. Experience, where every bite is a game changer :👉

Get Ready, Foodies — This is some big news and there is some even bigger news coming soon!🍳 Follow us on our Socials to get all our Project updates Hot & Fresh!

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Gobbl is the world’s first Ethereum Layer-2 for Food, with a decentralized ecosystem of food dapps across delivery, social, gaming and loyalty-tech.